
oh, what's a girl to blog about?

It's almost 10 p.m. on Wednesday night . . . I'm almost through with editing a beautiful wedding, and I have these random thoughts occuring that I figured I'd share with y'all!

1. Today was Lola's first day in the yard all day since her ACL surgery. Lola is my yellow lab, by the way. She underwent an almost $1,500 surgery a few weeks ago to repair her knee and has had to be inside all day, wearing her lampshade collar if we're gone, but today she got to be outside with Ruger all day long. So far so good!

2. My girlfriend Kara is having her little baby boy on November 10th via c-section and I can't wait to meet little Nolan James! Kara and Mike had Addison last March via c-section and ended up having a terrible delivery due to a major complication which I won't share here out of respect for Kara and Mike, but let's just say it could have easily happened again, and it looks this time like it WON'T, so hopefully when little Nolan joins us, Kara will get to enjoy him immediately and have a much better recovery. Here are a few more favorites of mine from her maternity session:





I love this photo because a wide angle lens just gives such a fun, unique perspective on portraits and expressions - to be used sparingly, but still a fun mix to an album:


And this is Kara having a moment with Stella that I just love - Kara is such a wonderful mommy and I can't wait to see her family expand :)


3. I wanted to throw a Morgan Roof Photography Launch Party before the end of the year, so since things are slowing down through the winter, it might be time to get this party started!

4. I really need feedback on this one - I'm thinking of dumping my website. I hardly ever update it because I'm always thinking about my blog. This is where I post everything I shoot, almost . . . weddings and slideshows, engagements, portrait sessions. They all go up within a day of the event! This is my journal, my memory of this business, the place where people come to not only see my photos, but read about me and who I am and decide whether or not our personalities fit for their wedding day. I really don't feel like I'd be missing a THING if I lost the traditional website. Thoughts?

5. I didn't post this photo earlier but I must have wanted to because I found it on Photobucket, who I use to upload photos to this site . . . it's from Missy and JR's wedding, the wedding I'll be finishing up tonight and tomorrow. It's a group shot, a traditional photo for this family that is taken at every wedding. I love it, and I think it completely reflects the FUN that was had at this wedding!


6. And I'll finish off by talking about Cindy. She is an amazing mommy who is due literally any second with her third little punkin' head. This weekend I'm going to do some photos of other moms wearing their babies in different wraps . . . it's an organization that Cindy is very passionate about, and I'm a huge advocate of baby-wearing for so many reasons. Even now just thinking about it, I remember taking Ava for a walk on a cold May day when she had hit the weight level for the Baby Bjorn, and it was such a wonderful moment - I was wearing my baby for the first time ever. It's an amazing bonding experience, and super convenient, especially when you have more than one child. When Stella was born, I wore her all the time so I could cook dinner, tend to Ava, and still be bonding with the little one :) Ohhhh . . . makes me want another . . . oh, wait, that feeling is gone . . . I'll wait a bit longer :)




Back to editing! Happy Hump Day!


brionyskerjance said...

Hi I just found your blog through Graphically Designing...Your pictures are absolutely beautiful. The black and white shot with just the belly and the hands is my fave.

Tabitha Blue said...

What great photos! I love the pregnancy pics especially... I want a wide angle lens too! The B&W close up of the belly is just beautiful. I'd love to get shots like this of my next pregnancy, what a perfect way to document it.

I'll have to take a look at your website. It's true, it'd be hard to keep up with both. Although, it's probably nice to have that professional edge of having a website. Not sure, tough decision. :)