
baby oliver

Today I got to go here . . .


to photograph this . . .


Little Oliver and his very sweet mom and dad moved to Big Sky just a couple weeks ago from Idaho. Lucky them! They not only get to live in a beautiful place, but they have a perfect little baby to join them to make it all the more beautiful. Oliver was so calm and content, and Colin and Melissa made me feel so welcome in their new home. Here are a couple more of my favorites:




You gotta love little baby parts!



I had way too many favorites so I put together a slideshow for Colin and Melissa to share with their families, who are all out of state. I know how important it is for Grandmas to see their sweet little grandchildren as much as they can, and when they can't, all they have are the photographs. :) And this one I did completely in black & white just for fun! CLICK HERE TO VIEW!


brionyskerjance said...

oh my goodness i love love love all of these...the third one with the kisses is my fave, i also love the one with the feet :)


Anonymous said...

I am not sure why but when I come to your blog all your pictures show up as the 'red X'. I am not sure but perhaps it has something to do with photobucket

Morgan LaMare said...

Thanks for letting me know! It is a photobucket thing that happens once in a while but they seem to fix it pretty quickly. Hopefully you can enjoy the photos now! :)