
a few of the girlies!

This time of year here in good ol' Montana is a little slow on the wedding and portrait front . . . this coming weekend I do have a couple photo shoots that will be nothing short of fabulous, but it's a perfect time of year for me to up my shooting, dive into those next steps to take my photos to the next level, and share it all of course on the blog!

The girls spent some time outside this weekend since it was pleasant and warm, and they crave time on their swingset like I crave a row of Oreos at 10:00 each night.

Ava - still 3, still cute, a little bit smarter and a lot sassier . . .


Stella - not as innocent as she looks.


A very rare moment :)


And simple cuteness.


Happy Tuesday!


Pam, John, Ryan, Sara said...

Love the photos! Just beautiful!!

Photography by Lauren Brown said...

Wow! What beautiful little girls! I can't wait to meet them! You've done a fantastic job capturing their "essence".

Anonymous said...

Love em', Morgan!

Talk soon,