
meet nolan james

Welcome baby Nolan! This little man belongs to our very good friends, Mike and Kara, who I've known since I met Carson almost 7 years ago in Denver. Mike and Carson have been friends since they were teenagers, and the four of us have spent many wonderful times together. Kara has been so supportive since I started my business and has kept me busy having two babies in less than two years!

Little Nolan arrived a bit early at 35 1/2 weeks but he was so strong he got to go home with his parents. He also is a stubborn little man! Whenever we think of newborn photos, we have these images of the babe all curled up in a little snuggly, wrinkly ball and sleeping through the entire event. WRONG! Nolan was very, very good but he wasn't super sleepy this afternoon. It made for some really beautiful photos with his mommy, and I did get some darling ones with his eyes wide open! He is simply gorgeous.

As is his sister. This is what I showed up to . . . Addison will be 2 in March.


She is already a very good sister and loved to hold, hug and kiss her brother (right before she'd toss him to the side when something else caught her attention :).


Dad was at work but he'll be joining the crew for some family and Christmas photos in the next couple weeks.


Here is Nolan's left foot!


And this is where he preferred to spend the photo shoot:



Once we hit him up for some poses, he was eyes wide open and totally looking right at the camera!



I love this one, it's as if he's turned his head just so he can look at me!


And another sweet moment with Mom :)


Congratulations Mike, Kara and Addison! We love you guys!

1 comment:

b.craft said...

Awwww!!! Holy dark hair batman!!! Where did that come from. TOO adorable. Great work Morgan -- and mom, for making such great subject matter :)